Are you ready for 
another chance?

We’re actively recruiting people from almost all backgrounds who are…

  • Interested in and able to carry out construction/general labor work (construction skills not required)
  • Impacted by the justice-system, either recently or previously
  • Looking for a fresh start through day-to-day temporary/flexible-to-permanent employment
  • Motivated to get back into the workforce with support and resources

This is more than just a job – we are working hard to build a community. We want to support your workforce re-entry and will help you get there.

Why Join?

Compassionate, no hassle interview process

Housing and transportation, if you need it

The gear and the basic equipment you’ll need for the job

Peer-to-Peer mentoring and other resources, including training options for further career development

We stand behind you with community and commitment

To get started, please call the number below to access all Weld Seattle programs including employment, housing, and classes.


We’re not concerned about your background — we’re focused on who you are now and where you’re headed in life. After you sub.